Last additions - Community_after_1988

Forum "Jahad" in Laulasmaa (October 2007) - Alla JakobsonNov 03, 2007

Forum "Jahad" in Laulasmaa (October 2007) - Andres SpokojniNov 03, 2007

Forum "Jahad" in Laulasmaa (October 2007) - David VseviovNov 03, 2007

1992 - Invitation to attend the Jewish Sunday school in TallinnSep 17, 2007

Kofkin family foundationSep 17, 2007

1988 - The first Jewish Cultural Society happening in the Tallinn Russian Theater - 29.5.1988 - invitationSep 04, 2007

The first school day in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007Sep 03, 2007

The first school day in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007Sep 03, 2007

The first school day in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007Sep 03, 2007

The first school day in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007Sep 03, 2007

The first school day in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007Sep 03, 2007

The first school day in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007Sep 03, 2007

The first school day in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007Sep 03, 2007

2007 - The first school day celebration in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007Sep 03, 2007

The first school day in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007Sep 03, 2007

1995 ? - WWII veterans gatheringAug 28, 2007

1990 - The first youth camp in Laulasmaa - concert - august 1990Aug 28, 2007

1989 - The first annual conference of the Estonian Cultural Society in the Tallinn Polytechnical Institute - 2/4/1989Aug 28, 2007

1991 - Tu bi Shvat in the Tallinn Jewish gymnasium - 1991Aug 28, 2007

1991 - Tu bi Shvat in the Tallinn Jewish gymnasiumAug 28, 2007

1990 - The first youth camp in Laulasmaa (according to "Hashachar" it is the second camp in Narva-Jõesuu in 1991)Aug 28, 2007

1990 - The first youth camp in Laulasmaa - the concert in the Builder HouseAug 28, 2007

Community building before the 4th floor was built in 2006Aug 28, 2007

1999 - 45 years of Victory in WWII - war veterans meeting in the Jewish schoolAug 11, 2007

1999 - 45 years of Victory in WWII - war veterans meeting in the jewish schoolAug 11, 2007

1999 - 45 years of Victory in WWII - war veterans meeting in the Jewish schoolAug 11, 2007

Open door day in the community 1990-1994Aug 09, 2007

1990 - The Israeli book exhibition - 7-8/1990 in the Tallinn Tourist houseAug 09, 2007

1990 - The Israeli book exhibition - 7-8/1990 in the Tallinn Tourist houseAug 09, 2007

1990 - Pesach in the Unions house in Tallinn 1990Aug 09, 2007

1990 - Pesach in the Unions house in TallinnAug 09, 2007

1988 - "Duo Reim" from Israel in concert in the Union house in Tallinn - 20/12/1988Aug 09, 2007

1989 - The first annual conference of the Estonian Cultural Society in the Tallinn Polytechnical Institute - 2/4/1989Aug 09, 2007

1993 - II conference of the Baltic and Scandinavian Jewish communities in Tallinn - 6/6/1993Aug 09, 2007

1993 - II conference of the Jewish communities - 7/6/1993Aug 09, 2007

1992 - Humanitarian aid from the Baltic Jewish Forum in Sweden.Aug 08, 2007

1991 - Charity sale in the schoolAug 07, 2007

1991 - Charity sale in the schoolAug 07, 2007

1990 - Pesach in the Unions house in TallinnJul 26, 2007

2003 - National minorities roundtable by the President of the Estonian republic - 10 years - June 2003Jul 26, 2007

2003 - National minorities roundtable by the President of the Estonian republic - 10 years - June 2003Jul 26, 2007

2003 - Jewish Community CouncilJul 26, 2007

1989 - The first open Holocaust day commemoration 2/5/1989Jul 26, 2007

1991 - Charity sale in the schoolJul 26, 2007

1991 - Estonian Cultural Society annual conference in Sakala cultural center - 1991Jun 29, 2007

1998 - Letter of gratitude to the Estonian Jewish community - X jubilee of the Jewish Cultural Society - 7/5/1998Jun 29, 2007

1990 - PurimJun 26, 2007

2007 - Meeting Viljandi seniors ("The warm house" program) - 21-6-2007Jun 23, 2007