Eesti Juutide Arhiiv
Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive
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Image search results - "[History]"
1845 - Alexander Wulffius - Tartu University graduation paper - 29/11/1845
1867 - Tallinn synagogue in Neugasse (Uus tänav) 37 - (1867-1870)
1884 - Brodovsky Jakov - Moscow University graduation medal - 1884 - pharmacy
1894~ Avram Itzoch (1839-1918) - kantonist - served full 25 years
1912-1914 Serman (Scherman) brothers in Russian gymnasium
1919 - Hirsch Band - a medical attendant (volunteer) in Estonian army - January 1919 Narva
1919 - Jewish soldier in the russian white army
1923 - Lothery ticket (100 Estonian Marka) to collect money for the Jewish Gymnasium building
1923 - Zofim (Scouts) from Tartu in Pühajärve camp
1926 - Estonian Jewish Cultural society opening ceremony invitation - 6/6/1926 - 1
1926 - Estonian Jewish Cultural society opening ceremony invitation - 6/6/1926 - 2
1927 Tartu Emuna society members (school)
1931 - Ferdmann Selda (Sinaida) (maiden Donets) (1912-1987) - Miss Estonian Jew 1931
1933 - Ben Gurion in Tallinn with Hashomer Ha'zayir members
1933~ Hachaluz group in Luunja near Tartu
1935 - Limuvia group
1936 - Pärnu "Achdut" theatre - comedy "A retsept gegn Schvigers"
1941 The war - 24 June
1942 - Estonia is "Judenfrei"
1942. The document issued in Leningrad before the blockade of the city. Family members that died were deleted from the list.
1944 - Klooga - foreign journalists inspecting the site of mass murdering
1947 - Tallinn synagogue ( 9) at Maakri 5 (1883-1944). 1947 cleaning works.
1966~ ''Mazl tov'' - Tallinn Jewish theatre
1971 - "Anne Frank" - Tallinn Jewish Theatre - 1971
1971 - Tallinn youth at J. Schaikevitsch 50th jubilee after performance of "Anne Frank" - 3/1971
1988 - The first Jewish Cultural Society happening in the Tallinn Russian Theater - 29.5.1988 - invitation
1989 - 100g of monthly soap allowance (September 1989)
1989 - The first annual conference of the Estonian Cultural Society in the Tallinn Polytechnical Institute - 2/4/1989
1989 - The first open Holocaust day commemoration 2/5/1989
1990 - Pesach in the Unions house in Tallinn 1990
1990 - Purim
1990 - The Israeli book exhibition - 7-8/1990 in the Tallinn Tourist house
1991 - Estonian Cultural Society annual conference in Sakala cultural center - 1991
1991 Horisont issue
1992 - Humanitarian aid from the Baltic Jewish Forum in Sweden.
1993 - II conference of the Baltic and Scandinavian Jewish communities in Tallinn - 6/6/1993
1999 - 45 years of Victory in WWII - war veterans meeting in the Jewish school
2003 - Jewish Community Council
2006 - Celebrating Jewish holidays together - Pesach
2007 - Forum "Jahad" in Laulasmaa (October 2007)
2007 - I Forum "Jahad" in Laulasmaa (October 2007)
2007 - Meeting Viljandi seniors ("The warm house" program) - 21.6.2007
2007 - Opening of the new synagogue building in Tallinn
2007 - Remembering deportations of 14/6/1941 ( Rahumäe 14/6/2007 ) - 6
2007 - The first school day celebration in the Tallinn Jewish school - 3/9/2007
2008 - Celebrating 90 years of Estonian Republic, 60 years of Israel and 20 years of the renewed community - 4.4.2008
2012 Opening of the memory gallery 27.1.2012
Stalag VI/a batch of the prisoner of war Isak Pavlovski
52 files on 2 page(s)