Image search results - "[H]"
A. Hasin
Aleksander ("Kika") Blumberg birthday 5/4/1937
Anna Gor (Goldstein) and Sara Herzenberg (Buras) in 1936
At Rubinstein's wedding in 1950
Bernstein Markovitsch
Dora (Scheine) Ben-Shmuel (Itzoch, nee Haitov) (1913-1997)
Eidus Smolenski Paturski Balonov Heimann - Leningrad 4/1959
Ester Pasternak (Pakin, nee Hirschovitsch)
Gakkel (Hakkel) Itze-Abe (1893-?)
Habicht Gerta - Ginovker chocolate factory production
Hait from kindergarten
Haitin. Aron Haitin wood production workers in Narva Jõesuu - ~ 1930
Haitov Schmuel (1909-1984)
Hana Schats (Hait) (1874-1964)
Hasak, Manoim, Tel-Aviv, 1987
Heimann Faimann Majofes
Herzberg S. Dr
Hiene Golde Goldov (Hirschkovitsch) (1882-?)
Hoff Leib (1904-1987) - Rakvere
Hopp Daniel
Isaac Meiertal with ladies
Josset, Sack, Edelkind, Scherman, Harchat family - 1
Kurtmann, A. Held, B. Schagal, Jakob Vigderhaus - 1927, Tallinn
Lena Blumberg (Hirschfeld) (1843-1919)
Levin Isak leather shop in Pärnu
Limuvia 1924
Ljuba Iljaschev (Hait) (1878 - 1941?)
Maks Aronstam (1907-1964) and Zilja Aronstam (Hait) (1915-1969)
Minna Hasak's 85th birthday - 18/5/1963, Tallinn, Faelmani 32/13 (Photo: I. Sundelevitsh)
Muschkat, Resnik, Halupowitsch - 13/4/1929
Pavlovski. Benjamin Pavlovski and Scheine Hopp shops on corner of Rüütli and Hospidali streets, Pärnu.
Pärnu hospital, 1959.
Rachel Hasan (Bass) (1908-1984)
Ruth Strasch (Brodovsky) and Lore Haas
Schur etc
Slova Ziegelmann (Strasch, nee Hindes) (1879-1953)
Sundelevitsch and Schmotkin, 1948.
Tallinn - 1931. Kindergarten in Tallinn, 1931
Tallinn school girls
Tamarkin Eidus Paturski 18/4/1958
The pianists of the Tallinn choreography school - Tallinn, 1959
Vigodski women in 1939