Image search results - "[B]"
"Carnival" - September 1935.
1910 Monument to Peter I. (2)
1919 - Hirsch Band - a medical attendant (volunteer) in Estonian army - January 1919 Narva
1927 - Akademischer Verein in Tartu - the leadership
1931 - Telegram from Ella Amitan in Palestine to her niece Tasja Bakscht (Amitan) in Tartu (1931)
1931 - Telegram from the Jewish National Fund in Jerusalem to Schlomo Bakscht in Tartu (1931)
1932 - Before the marriage ceremony - 1932, Jurmala, Latvia
1960 - Farewell party to Gitta Heimann (1960 emigrating to Israel)
3 грации (3 graces)
3 Strasch ladies
Abram (Rachmiel) Haitov (right) and David Birin in Pärnu 1939
Adik Karol and Riva Tsivan wedding - 21.8.1947
At I. Schapiro - 1960's
At Rubinstein's wedding in 1950, Viljandi
Bakscht and Kaplan - May 1934
Bam, Goldberg etc
Bass Abram - member of Kulturrat
Bassel Morduch (1893-1966) in 1950
Beilinson (Gleser) Gordon
Beilinson printhouse. 5 years jubilee (1922-1927)
Beilinson printhouse. 5 years jubilee (1922-1927)
Bernstein Markovitsch
Bialik club theatre ring (?)
Bialik drama society leadership ~ 1930s
Bialik society leadership (after 1936 - the Maccabi Jubilee album is on the shelf)
Binmann Efraim (1894-?)
Birthday party - Tallinn 1935
Blechman and Ring farewell. Tallinn, 23.4.1987
Braschinsky brothers, Pakin
Braschinsky Feige & Sons haberdashery shop at Väike Karja 12. Tallinn, 1930
Braschinsky Feige & Sons haberdashery shop at corner of Estoinia pst. and Makri. Tallinn, 1922-1923
Braschinsky. Benjamin Braschinsky's shop - 8.5.1935
Braude - Gordon wedding. 31.12.1946
Brin Markus Dr. (1900 Tallinn-1964 Viljandi) - Viljandi, ~ 1955
Brodovsky Jacov (1856-1914)
Brodovsky Moshe (Maks) Dr (1890-1937)
Brodovsky Permand - 1940
Buras (Rubinstein) Elke Judes
Dental polyclinic in Tallinn at Hariduse tn. 1969.
Dora (Scheine) Ben-Shmuel (Itzoch, nee Haitov) (1913-1997)
Dubovski, Kalmanson , Bachmat
Eidus Smolenski Paturski Balonov Heimann - Leningrad 4/1959
Eino Baskin (1929-2015)
Elva 1948
Fanny (Feiga) Brenner (Veinberg) - 1917, Võru
Frieda Rosenmann (Birkan) (1899- )