Last additions

5. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

3. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

4. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

9b. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

9a. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

9c. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

1a. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

2. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

1. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

6. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

Sara Hoff (Vilenski, nee Grünhut)Jun 05, 2011

Gutman Krupatkin - Tallinn, 7.10.1968Jun 05, 2011

1939 - Marriage registration of Samuil Berkovitsch and Sara (Sally) Katsev in the Tallinn Town hall - 3.10.1939Jun 05, 2011

Marriage registration of Samuil Berkovitsch and Sara (Sally) Katsev in the Tallinn Town hall - 3.10.1939Jun 05, 2011

Vera Berkovitsch - Jaroslavl, March 1944Jun 05, 2011

Kaplan. Abram Kaplan shop in OtepääJun 05, 2011

Isak Berkovitsch at his 50th birdthday - 18.4.1936 Jun 05, 2011

Samuil Berkovitsch and Sara (Salli) Berkovitsch (Katsev) - wedding photo - 3.10.1939, TallinnJun 05, 2011

Berta Krupatkin (Kaplan)Jun 05, 2011

Vera Berkovitsch (1918-1992)Jun 05, 2011

Hanna Zipukov (Zipikov)Jun 05, 2011

Berkovitsch siblingsJun 05, 2011

Gutman Krupatkin and Berta Krupatkin (Kaplan)Jun 05, 2011

?Jun 05, 2011

Wulf Lerenmann - 19.5.1938Jun 05, 2011

Pinchas (Petja) Freidin and Lia Freidin (Rabinovitsch) Jun 05, 2011

Pinchas (Petja) Freidin - 14.9.1938Jun 05, 2011

Lia Freidin (Rabinovitsch) - 19.3.1937Jun 05, 2011

Michail KatsJun 05, 2011

Israel Migdal - 31.3.1940Jun 05, 2011

?Jun 05, 2011

Hopp family ~ 1949Jun 04, 2011

Elias Hopp (1922-2002)Jun 04, 2011

Pärnu children carnival - 11.11.1933 Jun 04, 2011

Sundelevitsch and Schmotkin, 1948.Jun 03, 2011

1931 - Telegram from the Jewish National Fund in Jerusalem to Schlomo Bakscht in Tartu (1931)Jun 03, 2011

1931 - Telegram from Ella Amitan in Palestine to her niece Tasja Bakscht (Amitan) in Tartu (1931)Jun 03, 2011

Jeschajahu (Schaje) Levinovitsch (1837-1906) and Anna Levinovitsch (Gutman) (1851? - 1905)Jun 03, 2011

2. May 16, 2011

1. Entrance to the community house and museumMay 16, 2011

Life newspaper program - Tartu - 10.2.1935May 08, 2011

1932 - Before the marriage ceremony - 1932, Jurmala, LatviaMay 05, 2011

Bakscht family - 1907, HaapsaluMay 04, 2011

Schlomo Bakscht - 1901, Saint PetersburgMay 04, 2011

Ljuba (Bella) Bakscht (Samsonov) - 1901, Saint PetersburgMay 04, 2011

Bakscht family, Tartu, 1938May 04, 2011

Tasja Bakscht (Amitan) and Mischa BakschtMay 04, 2011

Kalevi-Liiva 2010May 03, 2011
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