Last additions

Aleksander ("Kika") Blumberg and Maia Nõmberg. 1962.May 07, 2012

Machane Beitar. 1932May 05, 2012

Machane Beitar. 1932May 05, 2012

Machane Beitar. 1932May 05, 2012

Machane Beitar. 1932May 05, 2012

Machane Beitar. 1932May 05, 2012

Machane Beitar. 1932May 05, 2012

Machane Beitar. 1932May 05, 2012

Jabotinsky in Tallinn 2.5.1939 (III)May 05, 2012

Tallinn - 1931. Tallinn Jewish gymnasium 8th grade - 15.1.1931 - front side of the pictureMay 05, 2012

Tallinn - 1931. Tallinn Jewish gymnasium 8th grade - 15.1.1931 - back side of the pictureMay 05, 2012

Simon-Meyer Goldmann with family. 1913.May 05, 2012

Tallinn - 1930. TJG. 7.2.1930. Military preparation class. VIII and IX classes.May 04, 2012

Tallinn - 1930. TJG, 16.5.1930. IX classMay 04, 2012

Letter written to Jakob Moshe Neuschloss by the "Shoharei Tora" students on occasion of his emigration to Palestine. Tallinn, 1935May 04, 2012

Memorable address presented to Jakob Moshe Neuschloss on occasion of his emigration to Palestine. From "Shocharei Tora", Tallinn, 1935May 04, 2012

Tallinn - 1929. Trip to Klooga in Lag Baomer. VII-XI classes. 28.5.1929May 04, 2012

Tallinn - 1930 TJG 4th graduation year students in KadriorgMay 04, 2012

Tallinn zionist activists with Aleksander Goldstein from Keren Ha'Yisod (May 1929)May 04, 2012

Tallinn - 1930 TJG graduatesMay 04, 2012

Tallinn - 1930 TJG graduation banquetMay 04, 2012

XIX Zionist congress - Lucerne, 1935. (2)Apr 30, 2012

XIX Zionist congress - Lucerne, 1935. (1)Apr 30, 2012

Farewell from the teacher Abram Kosotski going to Palestine. Tallinn, June 1936Apr 30, 2012

Tartu - 1938. Jewish primary school. 1938/39Apr 30, 2012

Haim Resnik (1922-1942)Apr 29, 2012

Tallinn - 1929. Trip to Klooga in Lag Baomer. VII-XI classes. 28.5.1929Apr 29, 2012

Friends on bicycles in Kadriorg. 15.4.1933Apr 29, 2012

Rosenthal shop in ViljandiApr 29, 2012

Jommy BlechmanApr 26, 2012

Krause in 1936Apr 26, 2012

Abram Jehuda Haitov (1903 Pärnu - 1964 Riga) Apr 23, 2012

Batscheva Neuschloss (Iskin). Daugavpils before 1914.Apr 22, 2012

Mosche NeuschlossApr 22, 2012

1933 - Hasmonea X JubileeApr 22, 2012

1933 - Hasmonea X JubileeApr 22, 2012

Members of the Tallinn religious community. Probably in 1935 for a farewell party to Avraham Neuschloss leaving for Palestine.Apr 22, 2012

Haluzim in Särevere mõis in 1930 - kvuzat HerzliaApr 22, 2012

Haluzim in Särevere mõis (end 1920's) - kvuzat HerzliaApr 22, 2012

In the Tallinn Jewish gymnasiumApr 22, 2012

1933. The X Jubilee - 26.2.1933, TartuApr 22, 2012

1932.Apr 22, 2012

Avraham Naveh (Neuschloss)Apr 22, 2012

1938?Apr 22, 2012

Hanoar group with guestsApr 22, 2012

Gurevitsch sisters in 1996Mar 18, 2012

Krigmans etc in 1992, Tel-AvivMar 18, 2012

Dina and Schmuel Saltsman Golden wedding - Tallinn, 1987Mar 15, 2012
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