Last additions

?Nov 02, 2006

BeitarNov 02, 2006

1927 Tartu Emuna society members (school)Nov 02, 2006

1927Nov 02, 2006

1930 I semester TallinnNov 02, 2006

?Nov 02, 2006

1929Nov 02, 2006

1929Nov 02, 2006

Tallinn - 1932. Jewish Gymnasium - ~1932?Nov 02, 2006

SelmanovitschNov 02, 2006

Bakscht and Kaplan - May 1934Nov 02, 2006

Fainmann, KliksbergNov 02, 2006

Bakscht Kaplan families - 1934Nov 02, 2006

Michael (Misha, Max) Boruhov (1910-1953)Nov 02, 2006

1935-2-10Nov 02, 2006

1935-2-10Nov 02, 2006

Beitar youthNov 02, 2006

Camp siteNov 01, 2006

Around fireNov 01, 2006

Hashomer groupNov 01, 2006

Hashomer groupNov 01, 2006

Hashomer group near hachshara house in Tallinn (Hollandi p. 10/16)Nov 01, 2006

Permand Eli (1926-1999). 12/1976Oct 31, 2006

Schuchman Gleser wedding 10/3/1977Oct 31, 2006

Gordon Benjamin (Binja) (1922-2008) and Golde Gordon (Katz) (1926-2015). Oct 31, 2006

Permand Eli (1926-1999)Oct 31, 2006

Tallinn Bialik theaterOct 31, 2006

1957 Ex-Komsomol leaders of Estonia meeting with young peopleOct 31, 2006

1940 Telman visits Soviet Estonia youth (komsomol)Oct 31, 2006

Tallinn - 1939. Jewish Gymansium XV jubilee - 1939Oct 31, 2006

Tallinn - 1938. Jewish Gymansium - ~1938/9Oct 31, 2006

1935 Letter from Palestine Jews to Estonian peopleOct 31, 2006

1951 Examinations in the Tallinn Kaubandus TehnikumOct 31, 2006

1954-1955 The celebration of the 1st of MayOct 31, 2006

1940 - at Balti jaam - Estonia accepted to USSROct 31, 2006

Raichmann Harry mariage in synagogue - 1955Oct 31, 2006

Raichmann Harry in Black Sea fleet 1951-1955Oct 31, 2006

Raichman and Goldmann boys ~ 1933Oct 31, 2006

Goldmann (Raichman) Mariascha (1907-1956)Oct 31, 2006

Goldmann family ~1924Oct 31, 2006

Goldmann family ~1924Oct 31, 2006

Bam children - all killed by nazis in 1941Oct 31, 2006

KalmansonOct 31, 2006

JakobsonOct 31, 2006

Jakobson and KalmansonOct 31, 2006

Jakobson Leib in Estonian army. ~ 1920-1923Oct 31, 2006

Rivnai Dussi (Levin) (1915-2000) in 1936Oct 29, 2006

Freidin 1939Oct 29, 2006
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