Last additions

Simho Wassermann (Sack) 1935Apr 28, 2007

Appa Feimann and Ljeva KliksbergApr 28, 2007

Feimann DoraApr 28, 2007

Epstein Benno (1912-1993)Apr 28, 2007

Beltschikov Josif 1936 BeitarApr 28, 2007

Levski NjuraApr 28, 2007

Kaplan Schura in Estonian army 1938, Nõmme (Pioneeri pataljon)Apr 28, 2007

Levitin JacovApr 28, 2007

Kaplan RivaApr 28, 2007

Smolenski Ami 1934Apr 28, 2007

Sverdlov Jacob (1919-1941)Apr 28, 2007

Smolenski (?) Georg - 1935Apr 28, 2007

Pevzner AlterApr 28, 2007

Zvi GilinovApr 28, 2007

1935 TallinnApr 28, 2007

12/1932Apr 28, 2007

1935/36Apr 28, 2007

Vseviov family - 1936Apr 27, 2007

David Vseviov - 1914/15 PskovApr 27, 2007

David Vseviov batchelor party 1913Apr 27, 2007

Batja Steinberger (Baskin) in hahshara 1939Apr 27, 2007

Batja Steinberger (Baskin) b. 1916, d. 1994Apr 27, 2007

1938 - Wedding invitation - 1938 - Silver jubileeApr 27, 2007

Beilinsons and VseviovApr 27, 2007

Riva Abramovitsch and Faive Glückman with Leo - 1947Apr 25, 2007

Goldberg Chatze shoe store in PõltsamaaApr 25, 2007

Olivson family 28/4/1931 TallinnApr 25, 2007

Valga 26/3/1931Apr 25, 2007

Goldberg Isak and TsillaApr 25, 2007

Valga kindergarten - 3/10/1929 - back sideApr 25, 2007

Valga kindergarten - 3/10/1929 - front sideApr 25, 2007

Tallinn - 1939. Jewish Gymnasium - 1939Apr 25, 2007

1900 - Jewish students of the Tartu University ~ 1900Apr 25, 2007

Kaunas - on the way to Kaunas MaccabiahApr 23, 2007

Kaunas - on the way to Kaunas MaccabiahApr 23, 2007

KaunasApr 23, 2007

Liepaja 1938Apr 23, 2007

Liepaja 26/7/1937Apr 23, 2007

1939 - II Estonian games - in front of Bialik society club at Narva mnt.Apr 23, 2007

Laulupidu 1939Apr 23, 2007

Kaunas 29/8/1937Apr 23, 2007

Kaunas 29/8/1937Apr 23, 2007

Kaunas 29/8/1937Apr 23, 2007

Kaunas 29/8/1937Apr 23, 2007

MaccabiahApr 23, 2007

MeiertalsApr 23, 2007

Haitovs 1938Apr 23, 2007

Schlomo GerschanovitschApr 23, 2007
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