Last additions

Rachel Geller (Judeikin) and Emo? - 1931Apr 03, 2008

Gabovitsch, UsvanskiApr 03, 2008

Zelik Judeikin and Miriam Usvanski (Gabovitsch)Apr 03, 2008

Tallinn Russian gymnasium girlsApr 03, 2008

1845 - Alexander Wulffius - Tartu University graduation paper - 29/11/1845Apr 03, 2008

Tallinn Russian gymnasium girlsApr 03, 2008

Home made songbook for the 45. Jubilee of Hasmonea - Israel 1968 Mar 31, 2008

Home made songbook for the 45. Jubilee of Hasmonea - Israel 1968 - back side with the signaturesMar 31, 2008

1989 - The first open meeting remembering the Holocaust 2/5/1989Mar 31, 2008

1977 - Exit visa to IsraelMar 31, 2008

Tallinn Jewish GymnasiumMar 31, 2008

Maccabi girls on the stadium before competitionMar 31, 2008

Akademischer Verein? Tartu 1927-28Mar 31, 2008

Picture taken in Moscow (probably beginning of XX century) in I. Danilov photoshopMar 31, 2008

11Mar 27, 2008

Jewish theaterMar 27, 2008

Dr Mendelev family ~ 1925 TartuMar 27, 2008

Ruven (Roman) Mendelev ?Mar 27, 2008

8Mar 27, 2008

LatviaMar 27, 2008

9Mar 27, 2008

Sissel 17/11/1938 HamburgMar 27, 2008

Segor flat in Riga - 31/5/1936Mar 27, 2008

RigaMar 27, 2008

RigaMar 27, 2008

Segor L and S.Mar 27, 2008

4Mar 27, 2008

6Mar 27, 2008

7Mar 27, 2008

I. Iljon , Perm 1/1/1915Mar 27, 2008

Abram Vigderhaus with DveiraMar 25, 2008

Benjomin and Rahel LeisermannMar 25, 2008

Rusinov familyMar 25, 2008

Haie-Dobe (left) and Rafael RusinovMar 25, 2008

Josef Rusinov with Haie-DobeMar 25, 2008

Schore Rusinov (Leisermann) (1904-1964)Mar 25, 2008

Meier Rusinov and Schore Rusinov (Leisermann)Mar 25, 2008

Abram Leisermann (1913-1996)Mar 25, 2008

Leisermanns, Jasman, SchoisMar 22, 2008

The Ogus family from Kuressaare - ~ 1920Mar 21, 2008

Rabi Kropman (Tartu) present to the synagogue - February 1939Mar 20, 2008

Briz (Brit Mila) of Hessi Aronovitsch born 1919Mar 20, 2008

Gerschon Lipavsky 70th Anniversary - 1974, TallinnMar 20, 2008

Motorcycle road racing - 1933.Mar 14, 2008

The Estonian Motorcycling Championship at the Tallinn hippodrome - 12/6/1938Mar 14, 2008

1936 Berlin Star Race winners - the Estonian team Mar 14, 2008

Aisenstadt, Gutkin, KlompusMar 14, 2008

Ljubarov and MeiertalsMar 14, 2008
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