Last additions

~1910 Deaconess Hospital staff (Diakonisside Haigemaja)May 21, 2008

Valga High school Jewish students circleMay 21, 2008

The Maccabi Tallinn flag - 1920May 21, 2008

Gordons - 1923May 18, 2008

12May 18, 2008

Rabbi Betsalel Epstein (1878- 1938 )May 18, 2008

Scholem-Aleichem cultural Society - TartuMay 18, 2008

Temporary national-political Committee - 1919May 18, 2008

LichtMay 18, 2008

Meer Leiserman (1910-1979)May 18, 2008

Nasalevitsch, Rusinov etc familiesMay 16, 2008

Gershon Passov and Rachel (Passov) ~ 1914May 10, 2008

East European Tarbut gathering in Zopot - July 1928May 09, 2008

5 years of KulturratApr 28, 2008

Brainstorming ("wu nemmt man geld...") - 24.4.08 Apr 26, 2008

Loewenstein ?Apr 25, 2008

Jente LöwensteinApr 25, 2008

Johanna LöwensteinApr 25, 2008

Usvanski and EdelhausApr 25, 2008

Abram Kaplan (1912-1943) in Estonian army (7th infantry regiment)Apr 24, 2008

Abram Kaplan (1912-1943) - the member of the Tartu Boxing clubApr 24, 2008

1917 - The hatmaker diploma given to Schlomo Schimschilevitsch - 24/3/1917 S. PeterburgApr 23, 2008

1910 ~ Photo album presented to Ljubov Schimschilevitsch (Karabanov) by her employees in S. Peterburg Apr 23, 2008

Schimschilevitsch (Schemschilevitsch, Schimschelevitsch) family - Tallinn (Reval) - ~ 1883Apr 22, 2008

Purim in Bialik Society - 7/3/1931 or 7/3/1936Apr 21, 2008

1930 October 18. With guests. See next picture for names.Apr 20, 2008

Roza and Bernhard (Dov) Braschinsky wedding pictureApr 19, 2008

InvitationApr 19, 2008

t3Apr 19, 2008

t4Apr 19, 2008

t2Apr 19, 2008

t8Apr 19, 2008

t6Apr 19, 2008

t5Apr 19, 2008

t1Apr 19, 2008

t7Apr 19, 2008

1944 - "Похоронка" (the letter informing the family about the death in the battle)Apr 17, 2008

GroupApr 17, 2008

1926 Lutrin ?Apr 16, 2008

1971 - Tallinn youth at J. Schaikevitsch 50th jubilee after performance of "Anne Frank" - 3/1971Apr 16, 2008

Ch. N. Bialik in Estonia - 1932Apr 16, 2008

Larissa SkljanskajaApr 16, 2008

Apr 16, 2008

Larissa SkljanskajaApr 16, 2008

David SchurApr 16, 2008

David Schur - 1968Apr 16, 2008

David Schur - 1954Apr 16, 2008

Tallinn - 1992. Jewish school - 1992 - 9th grade Apr 16, 2008
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