Last additions

Markus FürstOct 08, 2008

Oct 08, 2008

Rogovski family - 1934, TallinnSep 29, 2008

Rogovski brothersSep 29, 2008

Rogovski Markus with wife Scheine-Dobe (Berkovitsch) Sep 29, 2008

Markus Rogovski - 25/3/1934Sep 29, 2008

Motel and Ester Zitomirski (Zipukov) - 1938.Sep 29, 2008

Simon Levin Sep 29, 2008

Rafail Bass (left) and Jakov GluchovskySep 19, 2008

Solomon GluchovskySep 19, 2008

Keila and Rafail BassSep 19, 2008

Raisa GluchovskySep 19, 2008

Keila BassSep 19, 2008

1988 - The first issue of "Hashachar" - 22/12/1988Sep 14, 2008

1953 - artel "The red star" (co-operative association) - on a way from a private to state owned business. Sep 05, 2008

Pärnu firebrigade - 22/9/1935Sep 03, 2008

Lepo Markovitsch in his car. Pärnu.Sep 03, 2008

David Krakusen. 1938Sep 03, 2008

FriendsSep 03, 2008

Aronovitsch'sSep 03, 2008

Vesset.Sep 03, 2008

Aronovitsch and others Sep 03, 2008

Raichman, Koslovski etc.Sep 03, 2008

Jeremy Vesset in Pärnu firebrigade - 7/3/1931Sep 03, 2008

Meiertal brothersSep 03, 2008

Kahn family. 1925Sep 03, 2008

David Gerschanovitsch visit to Tallinn from IsraelSep 03, 2008

Shulamis Vigderhaus (1932-1998)Aug 28, 2008

Etta Vigderhaus (d. 1937)Aug 28, 2008

Dveira and Rafael Rusinov Aug 28, 2008

Rusinov and Vigderhaus familiesAug 28, 2008

David Rusinov (1901-1941)Aug 28, 2008

Feige-Rochl Rusinov (Reingold) - (1875-1941)Aug 28, 2008

Pinchas Pines and Lina Pines (Leisermann)Aug 28, 2008

Leisermann Lina (1902-1974) Tallinna Kohtumeditsiini laborantAug 28, 2008

Ida Vigderhaus (Goldblatt) - 1893-1982Aug 28, 2008

Lapidus familyAug 28, 2008

Riva Schiff (Vseviov) 1906 Narva - 1993 TallinnAug 28, 2008

VseviovsAug 28, 2008

Gita Vseviov (Garos) (1872 Schlüsselburg - 1942 Tashkent) Aug 28, 2008

1900 - a Certificate given to Zalek Kofkin that he has a right to wear a silver medal for giving donations to pure childrenAug 16, 2008

The second camp ("mahane") of Beitar near Tartu - 1935Aug 10, 2008

1936 PärnuJul 27, 2008

1936 - Vesset weddingJul 27, 2008

Vesset. 1925 - Pärnu chocolate factory "Progress" - owner Elja Vesset & sonsJul 27, 2008

1936 PärnuJul 27, 2008

1940 - Max and Fanni Vesset wedding Jul 27, 2008

Leonid Lourie (1904-1978)Jul 18, 2008
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