Last additions

Blume Birnik (1924-1941). Killed by nazis in Pärnu synagogue.Oct 07, 2009

Birin, Dobruschkes and Birnik Leather factory in PärnuOct 07, 2009

Oskar (Michel Oscher) Birnik (1895-1941)Oct 07, 2009

In memory of 34 Jewish children killed in Pärnu. Opening ceremony on 15.11.2009 - the namesOct 07, 2009

In memory of 34 Jewish children killed in Pärnu. Opening ceremony on 15.11.2009.Oct 06, 2009

Pinhas and Shmuel Avigdori (Vigderhaus) in Palestine 29.9.1946Oct 03, 2009

Unknown group in VõruOct 03, 2009

Teitman familySep 30, 2009

Aron Teitman 26.10.1921Sep 30, 2009

Concert 8.6.1930Sep 26, 2009

Aleksander Seidelson (Saidelson) with his son Efim - 1935Sep 22, 2009

Helene SaidelsonSep 22, 2009

Jacob SilbersteinSep 21, 2009

David "Dafa" PasternakSep 21, 2009

Kan family - Tartu, 1924Sep 18, 2009

Nata Kan - Tartu, early 1930's Sep 18, 2009

Aleksander KanSep 18, 2009

Orchestra, Võru?Sep 18, 2009

World War I - Tallinn, 1918 Sep 18, 2009

Jeirus - Tartu, 1928Sep 18, 2009

1934 - Wedding of Aleksander and Olga Kan, Tartu 1934.Sep 18, 2009

Limuvia friends - Tartu, 1930Sep 18, 2009

Vaivara concentration camp siteSep 18, 2009

Soski concentration camp siteSep 18, 2009

Michail Beilinson (1941 - 2009)Sep 04, 2009

Tallinn - 1938. Parents and teachers committees of the Tallinn Jewish Gymnasium in 1938/9Sep 02, 2009

Tallinn - 1939. Happening in the Tallinn Jewish Gymnasium in 1939Sep 02, 2009

Tallinn - 1941. The pioneer organization in the Tallinn Jewish School (School N 13) - 1941Sep 02, 2009

Ruth Strasch (Brodovsky) and Lore HaasSep 02, 2009

Rebekka and Efraim Aisenstadt at Riga's seashore in 1938/1939Sep 02, 2009

Tallinn - 1939. Jewish School 1939/1940Sep 02, 2009

In Kadriorg - 1932Sep 02, 2009

Mara Pasternak (Schatz) and Alik Jakobson in Pirita - 1938/9Sep 02, 2009

Tallinn Jewish Gymnasium - class 5a - 1937Sep 02, 2009

Purim in Tallinn Jewish club - 1938/9Sep 02, 2009

Schatz family - 1938/39 RigaSep 02, 2009

Perlman Arnold (1884-1969) in the armyAug 20, 2009

Gitelson, Kitt Aug 19, 2009

Victory day 9.5.1985, TallinnAug 19, 2009

Riga, Tallinn, Kaunas basketball gamesAug 19, 2009

Ruven and Valli KatsenAug 19, 2009

KittAug 19, 2009

Eiser Piel and Rosa Zimbalov weddingAug 19, 2009

Ruven (Rudik) Murschak (1949-1975). 3/3/1971Aug 19, 2009

Schechtmeister - wedding 1971/72Aug 19, 2009

Schechtmeisters farewell party - 25/2/1978Aug 19, 2009

Riga, Tallinn, Kaunas basketball gamesAug 19, 2009

Unknown weddingAug 19, 2009
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