Last additions - A

Alter Abeshaus (1895-1942? Auschwitz?)Nov 26, 2012

Michael Auguston (1891 Narva -1945? Stutthof or Buchenwald) Oct 08, 2012

Mirjam Arunurm (Ditman, nee Epstein) (1919-2007)Jul 16, 2012

Schlomo Abramovitsch (1936 - )Jul 04, 2012

Minna Abramovitsch (Sigalevitsch) (1898-1962) with Schlomo Abramovitsch (1936- )Jul 04, 2012

Lina Abel (Schois) - 1920-2011Feb 18, 2012

Ruven Abramovitsch (probably)Oct 21, 2011

Meri Kuritski (Abramovitsch) with her mother Sore Golda (probably)Oct 21, 2011

M. AizikovitschJun 25, 2011

I. AizmannJun 25, 2011

Hirsch (Grigori) AisenstadtSep 19, 2010

Avdotja AlterJul 07, 2009

Hani Aronovitsch (Eidelkind) 1938.Oct 27, 2008

Aronovitsch'sSep 03, 2008

Briz (Brit Mila) of Hessi Aronovitsch born 1919Mar 20, 2008

Aronovitsch familyMar 14, 2008

Auguston familyOct 12, 2007

A. A. Andrejev and Dora Andrejev (Hasan)Sep 22, 2007

Vladimir Andreevich Andrejev (left) with friend Mark ?Sep 22, 2007

Aronstam - MatskinJul 22, 2007

Aronstam wedding - 1937 - in Jewish club at V. Karja 1/9 (III floor) in TallinnJul 22, 2007

Asnovitsch family with guestsJul 22, 2007

Aronovitsch ?Jul 08, 2007

Amitan ZalmanJun 10, 2007

Amitan BellaJun 10, 2007

Jakov Aronovitsch 50th Jubilee - 1969Jun 01, 2007

Jasha Aronovitsch ~1944Jun 01, 2007

Aronovitsch - 1945May 30, 2007

Elva 1948Mar 30, 2007

Sara Abramson (Levin) 1925 PärnuMar 05, 2007

Friends gathering in Tallinn 1/6/1940Feb 04, 2007

Natan Asnovitsch - 1984Feb 04, 2007

Amitan familyJan 28, 2007

Amitans (1960's)Jan 28, 2007

Mischa Bakscht and Tasja Bakscht (Amitan) - ~ 1931Jan 28, 2007

Fanja AmitanJan 28, 2007

Fanja AmitanJan 28, 2007

Tevje Abram - Tallinn 1964 - LatviaJan 23, 2007

Tevje Abram - Tallinn 1941Jan 23, 2007

Asnovitsch family (?) in Russia 25/12/1945Jan 16, 2007

Asnovitsch family in Tallinn ~1923Jan 16, 2007

Asnovitsch (Yesodi) family in Palestine ~ 1941Jan 16, 2007

Arlosoroff family - 1932Jan 09, 2007

Sima Arlosoroff and Bertha Gens - Elva 1921Jan 09, 2007

Alperten Moissei (see "Art" on this site)Dec 24, 2006

Maks Abramson family - 1931 PärnuJul 12, 2006

Dr Jossef AbramsonJul 12, 2006

Abramson - GoldbergJul 12, 2006