Last additions - Short overview

1918 - Group of the Jewish volunteers in the Estonian War of IndependenceDec 06, 2015

1936. Ship "Gerusalemme" that brought several estonian Jews to Palestine in 1936.Mar 24, 2014

1941 Destruction Battalion certificate.May 16, 2013

1910 Monument to Peter I. (1)Nov 30, 2011

1910 Monument to Peter I. (2)Nov 30, 2011

1941 Likvideeritud, tagasi TartuOct 05, 2011

1948 - Tallinn rebuilder work book - 1Oct 20, 2010

1948 - Tallinn rebuilder work book - 2Oct 20, 2010

2009 - Opening of the Estonian embassy in Tel-Aviv - 18.11.2009Nov 20, 2009

2008 - Opening of the Estonian Jewish museum in Tallinn - 17.12.2008Nov 20, 2009

1989 - Estonian Republic Citizenship Registration card (at time when Estonia was still part of the USSR)Jul 31, 2009

1988 - The first issue of "Hashachar" - 22/12/1988Sep 14, 2008

1953 - artel "The red star" (co-operative association) - on a way from a private to state owned business. Sep 05, 2008

1900 - a Certificate given to Zalek Kofkin that he has a right to wear a silver medal for giving donations to pure childrenAug 16, 2008

1870 - The Baltic railway is opened in Estonia. Some Russian Jews were among the builders. Some remained in Estonia. Jun 11, 2008

1917 - The hatmaker diploma given to Schlomo Schimschilevitsch - 24/3/1917 S. PeterburgApr 23, 2008

1910 ~ Photo album presented to Ljubov Schimschilevitsch (Karabanov) by her employees in S. Peterburg Apr 23, 2008

1944 - "Похоронка" (the letter informing the family about the death in the battle)Apr 17, 2008

1977 - Exit visa to IsraelMar 31, 2008

1913 - the Bailis (Beilis) case - the only picture on this site that has no direct connection to Estonia, just a good historical pictureMar 07, 2008

1941 - Soviet deportations (the first - 4th of June 1941).Feb 14, 2008

18XX - David Epstein with spouse - Nikolai soldierOct 12, 2007

1944 ~ Bakchar, Tomski oblast. One of the deportation places.Sep 26, 2007

1927 The Certificate of gratitude to EstoniaAug 23, 2007

1931 - In Estonian armyAug 05, 2007

1947 (~) Young pioneersAug 02, 2007

1945 - 30/4/1945 - WWII - the certificate of gratitude to Lt. Zemach Schapiro for overtaking ReichstagJul 04, 2007

1945 - 2/5/1945 - WWII - certificate of gratitude to Lt. Zemach Schapiro for overtaking BerlinJul 04, 2007

1933 - Itzoch cousins in Estonian army and fleetFeb 13, 2007

1936 - The street in Tel-Aviv in memory of Israel Ben-Jehuda (Itzoch)Feb 13, 2007

1911 - Nikolai II on board of his yacht "Almaz"Feb 08, 2007

1941 June deportations by SovietsDec 29, 2006

18XX Nikolai soldier Don PrisantDec 08, 2006

1940 - House nationalization orderDec 04, 2006

1973 "Refuseniks"Nov 11, 2006

1952 - Kindergarten graduation diplomaNov 11, 2006

1957 Ex-Komsomol leaders of Estonia meeting with young peopleOct 31, 2006

1940 Telman visits Soviet Estonia youth (komsomol)Oct 31, 2006

1935 Letter from Palestine Jews to Estonian peopleOct 31, 2006

1951 Examinations in the Tallinn Kaubandus TehnikumOct 31, 2006

1954-1955 The celebration of the 1st of MayOct 31, 2006

1940 - at Balti jaam - Estonia accepted to USSROct 31, 2006

1945 - WWII - Victory parade in Tallinn. At far right saluting Shura KaplanAug 08, 2006