Last additions - Business

Schotz JakobJul 21, 2011

GutkinJul 21, 2011

Ogus Leopold Jul 21, 2011

Braschinsky. Benjamin Braschinsky's shop - 8.5.1935Jun 26, 2011

Delsky, Pakkin. Printing house "Libris"Jun 25, 2011

Delsky, Pakkin. Printing house "Libris" - David Beilinson and Hanna (Ljala) Pakkin (Delsky)Jun 25, 2011

Kaplan. Abram Kaplan shop in OtepääJun 05, 2011

Delsky JsakApr 16, 2011

Schulklepper Joseph & AbramApr 16, 2011

MarkovitschApr 16, 2011

BerkovitschApr 16, 2011

ZiegelmanApr 16, 2011

BesprosvanieApr 16, 2011

Lerenmann shopApr 11, 2011

Patov Benjamin - Rakvere - hatsFeb 07, 2011

Epstein Solomon - "Uus Jokey Club" TallinnFeb 07, 2011

Epstein Solomon - "Uus Jokey Club" TallinnFeb 07, 2011

Patov Benjamin - Rakvere - hatsFeb 07, 2011

Zipukov SemjenOct 05, 2010

Taub AbramOct 05, 2010

Morein JakovOct 05, 2010

Mirvits BorisOct 05, 2010

Schapiro AbramOct 05, 2010

Rubin AleksanderOct 05, 2010

Karschenstein HaimOct 05, 2010

Makovski BorisOct 05, 2010

Judeikin MaksOct 05, 2010

Gutkin HeinrichOct 05, 2010

Ginovker SamsonOct 05, 2010

Ginovker OvseiOct 05, 2010

Gens NaftaliOct 05, 2010

Besprosvanie JuliusOct 05, 2010

Ginovker JosifOct 05, 2010

Besprosvanie HermanOct 05, 2010

Besprosvanie BettyOct 05, 2010

Besprosvanie MaksOct 05, 2010

Wasserman, Berkovitsch. Parade at Viru str. in TallinnSep 28, 2010

Besprosvanie, Pakin. Probably in Haim Besprosvanie, Ore Pakin textil shopSep 28, 2010

Haitin. Aron Haitin wood production workers in Narva Jõesuu - ~ 1930Jun 21, 2010

Lerenmann. "Rauaniit" happening - 3.3.1934Jun 03, 2010

Pozaisky shop in TallinnMay 01, 2010

Birin, Dobruschkes and Birnik Leather factory in PärnuOct 07, 2009

Vesset. 1925 - Pärnu chocolate factory "Progress" - owner Elja Vesset & sonsJul 27, 2008

Mirvits DavidJun 21, 2008

Hirschovitsch VulfJun 21, 2008

Mendelev Aleksander - shop in NarvaApr 07, 2008

GabovitschNov 16, 2007

Pikarevitsch HaimNov 16, 2007
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