Last additions - 85 years to Jewish Cultural Autonomy - 06.06.2011 - exhibition in the Parliament building, in Tartu and Tel-Aviv

0cFeb 13, 2012

0bFeb 13, 2012

0aFeb 13, 2012

Jul 08, 2011

8. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

9. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

7. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

5. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

3. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

4. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

9b. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

9a. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

9c. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

1a. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

2. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

1. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011

6. Opening of the exhibitionJun 06, 2011