Last additions - Various documents

The Red Cross band belonging to Hirsch Band (Estonian army medical attendant in 1919)Aug 28, 2007

Birth certificate - 1919 TallinnAug 05, 2007

The court decision - 16/8/1905, Riga - 2Aug 04, 2007

The court decision - 16/8/1905, Riga - 1Aug 04, 2007

School progress record for the 1943-1944 issued to Gitta Sinder (third grade) in evacuation in Kirilovsk village, Sverdlovsk oblastJul 26, 2007

Birth certificate issued on 20/5/1940 by the Estonian Soviet authorities - daughter Gitta SinderJul 26, 2007

Narva birth certificate -1912 (issued 1928) - daughter Sinaida DonetsJul 26, 2007

Sailor cetificate - 1937Jun 15, 2007

Birth certificate 1883May 30, 2007

1989 - 100g of monthly soap allowance (September 1989)Mar 10, 2007

Estonian army - restingJan 28, 2007

Red cross member USSR - 1961 (backside)Oct 15, 2006

Red cross member USSR - 1961Oct 15, 2006

Soviet time non-WWII awards - "Ударник коммунистического труда"Aug 28, 2006

WWII - certificate of the war veteran - 1946Aug 28, 2006

Soviet time non-WWII awardsAug 24, 2006

1979 - WWII - the certificate of the war invalidAug 06, 2006

WWII - Medal "For the victory over Japan" 30/9/1945Mar 26, 2006

Soviet time non-WWII awardsMar 20, 2006

Airplane Warszava - Vilnius - Riga - TallinnMar 20, 2006

1909 Work permit (teaching)Mar 17, 2006

1909 Вид на жительство (living permit)Mar 17, 2006

University diplomasMar 17, 2006

University diplomasMar 17, 2006

University diplomasMar 16, 2006