Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

Pärnu Hashomer children with Tallinn leaders - 1931-32
Left to right.
Top standing: ?
Top row: Jascha Freiman, Gutti Raichman, Becca Haitov, Koppa Koslovski
III row from bottom: Scholem Schindler, ?, Ljuba Pavlovski, Edit Matskin, Berta Karp (Pavlovski), ?, Zussi Goldberg, Matskin, Abrascha Pavlovski
II row from bottom: Dody? Levin, Abram Hopp, Boba Levin, Samuel Rybak, Mulli Goldberg, Laser Bub, Nechama Permand, Rivka Schindler, Schiffra Gordin, Tutti (Helene) Permand
Botto row: Fedja (Faivusch) Grodinski, Kuschner, Mulli Mandelkorn

Pärnu Hashomer children with Tallinn leaders - 1931-32

Left to right.
Top standing: ?
Top row: Jascha Freiman, Gutti Raichman, Becca Haitov, Koppa Koslovski
III row from bottom: Scholem Schindler, ?, Ljuba Pavlovski, Edit Matskin, Berta Karp (Pavlovski), ?, Zussi Goldberg, Matskin, Abrascha Pavlovski
II row from bottom: Dody? Levin, Abram Hopp, Boba Levin, Samuel Rybak, Mulli Goldberg, Laser Bub, Nechama Permand, Rivka Schindler, Schiffra Gordin, Tutti (Helene) Permand
Botto row: Fedja (Faivusch) Grodinski, Kuschner, Mulli Mandelkorn

z.jpg Kaplan_Eliakim.jpg rybak.jpg tallinn2.jpg tallinn.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / Hashomer Ha'Zair (Nezach) - leftist zionist youth organization
Source:Nechama Friedman (Permand)
Filesize:175 KiB
Date added:Nov 08, 2006
Dimensions:748 x 971 pixels
Displayed:175 times
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