Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

House at Viru 4 in Tallinn in 1912-1913. Owners: H. Gutkin and I. Sundelevitsch. Architects: Karl Burman, Artur Perna. 
Tenement and cinema in Tallinn at Viru str. 4 belonging to H. Gutkin and I. Zundelevitsch. Architects Karl Burman, Artur Perna. 
Keywords: [G] [Z]

House at Viru 4 in Tallinn in 1912-1913. Owners: H. Gutkin and I. Sundelevitsch. Architects: Karl Burman, Artur Perna.

Tenement and cinema in Tallinn at Viru str. 4 belonging to H. Gutkin and I. Zundelevitsch. Architects Karl Burman, Artur Perna.

Siimas_0001.jpg dobruschkes_esra.jpg gutkin_maja.jpg A-65-75_ft.jpg eaa0402_001_0008184_Juda_Gutman.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / G
Keywords:[G] / [Z]
Source:H. Gutkini ja I. Zundelevitši üürimaja ja kino Tallinnas Viru 4. Arh-d Karl Burman, Artur Perna, EAM _ 9893 Ar 46.2.31, Eesti Arhitektuurimuuseum,
Filesize:94 KiB
Date added:Feb 11, 2016
Dimensions:542 x 794 pixels
Displayed:9 times
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