Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

Maze workshop
Right to left.
Standing: ?, Schevach Smeloi, estonian workers
Sitting: Vilenski, Schapse Michel Gordon, Schajevitsch
Standing first from  left: Haim Leib Michelson

Maze workshop

Right to left.
Standing: ?, Schevach Smeloi, estonian workers
Sitting: Vilenski, Schapse Michel Gordon, Schajevitsch
Standing first from left: Haim Leib Michelson

Rabi_Brodovsky.jpg Estonian_chief_rabbi.jpg Mazot.jpg brochure.jpg Esther_Gurevich.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / Religious community
Source:Moshe Michelson
Filesize:405 KiB
Date added:Jul 01, 2006
Dimensions:1341 x 969 pixels
Displayed:178 times
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