Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

Koslovski wedding - December 1940
This is the wedding photograph of my [Rachel Randvee] sister Riva Koslovski, nee Tsivian. It was taken in Tallinn in 1940.
My sister married in December 1940. Her husband, Yakov Koslovski, also graduated from the Jewish school albeit four years earlier than Riva. Their wedding was quite modest with only close friends and relatives present. Some arrests and nationalization of property had already
taken place in Tallinn by that time so it wasn't really a very joyful time. Meishe Furmanski, Aunt Rasse's husband, died just before the wedding, the funeral was held on the wedding day, and many of the relatives were attending that event. The wedding ceremony took place in the synagogue's registry office and was conducted by Aba Gomer, the chief rabbi of Estonia.
Keywords: [Religion]

Koslovski wedding - December 1940

This is the wedding photograph of my [Rachel Randvee] sister Riva Koslovski, nee Tsivian. It was taken in Tallinn in 1940.
My sister married in December 1940. Her husband, Yakov Koslovski, also graduated from the Jewish school albeit four years earlier than Riva. Their wedding was quite modest with only close friends and relatives present. Some arrests and nationalization of property had already
taken place in Tallinn by that time so it wasn't really a very joyful time. Meishe Furmanski, Aunt Rasse's husband, died just before the wedding, the funeral was held on the wedding day, and many of the relatives were attending that event. The wedding ceremony took place in the synagogue's registry office and was conducted by Aba Gomer, the chief rabbi of Estonia.

Kats_Pinchas_1927.jpg Kats_Ella_upd.jpg ransv.jpg KamenovskyZvi.jpg schein_kaplan.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / K
Filesize:148 KiB
Date added:Nov 20, 2007
Dimensions:976 x 690 pixels
Displayed:181 times
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