Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

Ex- Jewish gymnasium gathering
Left to right.
Abram Danzig, Anna Grabe (Hoff), Berta Danzig, Leo Ginovker, Issai Levin, David Gerschanovitsch, Anna Klas (standing), Bluma Rubanovitsch (Gabovitsch), Palja (Pesach) Schampal, Monja (Minna) Ljubarov (Bovschover)?, Petja (Pinhos) Ljubarov
Keywords: [G] [L] [K] [R] [S]

Ex- Jewish gymnasium gathering

Left to right.
Abram Danzig, Anna Grabe (Hoff), Berta Danzig, Leo Ginovker, Issai Levin, David Gerschanovitsch, Anna Klas (standing), Bluma Rubanovitsch (Gabovitsch), Palja (Pesach) Schampal, Monja (Minna) Ljubarov (Bovschover)?, Petja (Pinhos) Ljubarov

Dobruschkes.jpg Dobruschkes.jpg berta.jpg Folja_1934.jpg comp.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / D
Keywords:[G] / [L] / [K] / [R] / [S]
Source:L. Ginovker
Filesize:103 KiB
Date added:Jul 29, 2006
Dimensions:800 x 529 pixels
Displayed:561 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
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