Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

Tallinn - 1933 Tallinn
Left to right.
Bottom row: Sara Buras, Temin, ?, Sara Schulklepper, ?, Robi Scher
Middle row: Meri Jankelson, Valter Migdal, Reisi Tamarkin, Mischa Gutman, ?, Jetti Gleser
Top row: Jacov Gordon, Sara Barnoy (Epstein)?, Osja Itzoch, Dora Itzoch (Haitov)

Tallinn - 1933 Tallinn

Left to right.
Bottom row: Sara Buras, Temin, ?, Sara Schulklepper, ?, Robi Scher
Middle row: Meri Jankelson, Valter Migdal, Reisi Tamarkin, Mischa Gutman, ?, Jetti Gleser
Top row: Jacov Gordon, Sara Barnoy (Epstein)?, Osja Itzoch, Dora Itzoch (Haitov)

Hebrew_school.jpg 1940.jpg group.jpg Blumin_Klass_1923.jpg Jewish_kindergarten__30_(2).jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / Education
Source:Sara Barnoi
Filesize:162 KiB
Date added:Feb 21, 2007
Dimensions:800 x 521 pixels
Displayed:193 times
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