Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

"Farbenverleihung an die ausserordentlichen Philister Dr. med. Zlaff u. Dir. Levitin" (Award of colours to the outstanding Philisters Dr Zlaff and Dir. Levitin.
II from bottom, III fr right Jossif Goldberg II fr bottom IV left Boris Kropman, II from botttom III from left Albin


"Farbenverleihung an die ausserordentlichen Philister Dr. med. Zlaff u. Dir. Levitin" (Award of colours to the outstanding Philisters Dr Zlaff and Dir. Levitin.
II from bottom, III fr right Jossif Goldberg II fr bottom IV left Boris Kropman, II from botttom III from left Albin

jp_0039.jpg sa_039.jpg 14__A_GoldshteinSaraHercenberg1936.jpg z_0003.jpg y_090.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / Hasmonea (Tartu Zionist student organization 1923-1940)
Source:Nurit Bakscht
Filesize:218 KiB
Date added:Aug 24, 2011
Dimensions:1200 x 806 pixels
Displayed:29 times
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