Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

Tallinn - 1935.  Jewish gymnasium Parents committee  ~1935/6
Left to right.
Top row: ?, Pensa - the teacher of Estonian, Zitomirski - Hebrew teacher, ?, Vald?, Slutski, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Schulklepper, Rybka
Middle row (all): ?, ?, ?, ?, Isaak Bachmat, ?, Batja Schneeberg, ?, ?, ?, Grinstan, Daile Wasserman, Hoff (Vilenski, maiden ?), Dubovski
 Bottom row: Kantor Gurevitsch, Dr Fridland, Berta Goldmann, Press, Johansson - handicraft teacher, Samuil Gurin - the director, Frieda Berkovitsch, Hirsch (Grigori Aisenstadt) - the Chairman of the Cultural Autonomy, Itskovitsch, ?

Tallinn - 1935. Jewish gymnasium Parents committee ~1935/6

Left to right.
Top row: ?, Pensa - the teacher of Estonian, Zitomirski - Hebrew teacher, ?, Vald?, Slutski, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Schulklepper, Rybka
Middle row (all): ?, ?, ?, ?, Isaak Bachmat, ?, Batja Schneeberg, ?, ?, ?, Grinstan, Daile Wasserman, Hoff (Vilenski, maiden ?), Dubovski
Bottom row: Kantor Gurevitsch, Dr Fridland, Berta Goldmann, Press, Johansson - handicraft teacher, Samuil Gurin - the director, Frieda Berkovitsch, Hirsch (Grigori Aisenstadt) - the Chairman of the Cultural Autonomy, Itskovitsch, ?

kvuzat_bone.jpg a_0042.jpg parents.jpg Klooga_kivi.jpg Tartu_first_jewish_school.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / Education
Source:Gabriel Hazak
Filesize:557 KiB
Date added:May 29, 2008
Dimensions:1200 x 688 pixels
Displayed:114 times
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