Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

1952 - A birthday (8/10/1952), Tallinn
Left to right.
Sitting: Leonid Schats, Mark Rybak, Boris Besprosvanie, Ruben Murschak, Ilona Wolfson (Trapido), Olga Glubokovski (Amitan), Grigori (Gera) Trapido,  Marek Pakkin, Irina Amitan
Standing: Bella Popov (Murschak), Evgeni Berezovski 
... and with J. W. Stalin on the wall calendar
Keywords: [T] [M]

1952 - A birthday (8/10/1952), Tallinn

Left to right.
Sitting: Leonid Schats, Mark Rybak, Boris Besprosvanie, Ruben Murschak, Ilona Wolfson (Trapido), Olga Glubokovski (Amitan), Grigori (Gera) Trapido, Marek Pakkin, Irina Amitan
Standing: Bella Popov (Murschak), Evgeni Berezovski
... and with J. W. Stalin on the wall calendar

Bachmet_Valga_1934.jpg Parnu_teater.jpg gera.jpg Meiertal.jpg goldmans_kirov.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / Community_1941-1988
Keywords:[T] / [M]
Filesize:366 KiB
Date added:Feb 23, 2008
Dimensions:979 x 596 pixels
Displayed:375 times
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