Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

Braschinsky family - 1939, Narva Jõesuu
Left to right.
Standing: Braschinsky brothers Josif, Isak, Jacov, Benjamin and Hirsch 
Middle row: Ljeva, Dora, Ljuba, Anja, Sina and Anchen
Sitting on the ground: Hardy, Lia, Osja, Faja, Beata, Ruth, Herman, Inna and Ljenya

Braschinsky family - 1939, Narva Jõesuu

Left to right.
Standing: Braschinsky brothers Josif, Isak, Jacov, Benjamin and Hirsch
Middle row: Ljeva, Dora, Ljuba, Anja, Sina and Anchen
Sitting on the ground: Hardy, Lia, Osja, Faja, Beata, Ruth, Herman, Inna and Ljenya

visu.jpg levin_zipa.jpg zzz_0009.jpg avi_0013.jpg 973_122.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / B
Source:Dan Bar-Shai / Ilan Braschinsky
Filesize:595 KiB
Date added:Jan 27, 2008
Dimensions:1000 x 686 pixels
Displayed:86 times
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