Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

Klooga - the newly errected tomb - 1/9/1994
On the opening ceremony were present around 500 people, among them: The speaker of the Knesset Mr Shevach Weiss, the chairman of the Estonian Parlament Mr Ülo Nugis,  the Estonian Prime minister Mr Mart Laar, the Israeli ambassador in the Baltic states Mme Tova Herzl, ex-prisoner of the Klooga camp and the ex-Knesset member Mr Hilel Seidel, ex-prisoners Abram Aronson, Benjamin Anolik, Abram Vapnik, and many others.

Klooga - the newly errected tomb - 1/9/1994

On the opening ceremony were present around 500 people, among them: The speaker of the Knesset Mr Shevach Weiss, the chairman of the Estonian Parlament Mr Ülo Nugis, the Estonian Prime minister Mr Mart Laar, the Israeli ambassador in the Baltic states Mme Tova Herzl, ex-prisoner of the Klooga camp and the ex-Knesset member Mr Hilel Seidel, ex-prisoners Abram Aronson, Benjamin Anolik, Abram Vapnik, and many others.

deportees1.jpg P1010011.JPG Klooga.JPG tartu_komsomol.jpg P1010227.JPG
File information
Album name:amblik / Holocaust
Filesize:299 KiB
Date added:Jul 04, 2006
Dimensions:525 x 700 pixels
Displayed:214 times
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