Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

Letter written to Jakob Moshe Neuschloss by the "Shoharei Tora" students on occasion of his emigration to Palestine. Tallinn, 1935
"Shoharei Tora". Some signatures: Elie Margolius,  B. Gordon, Schalom Margolius, Rafel Rybka, I. Raichman, Leibe Beilinson, R. Smolenski, Z. Strasch, I. Beilinson, I. Rosenman, H. Bam, Z. Ragovski, I. Rosenman, Haim Lesek, I. Strasch, Haim Blechman, H. Rybka, Nachum Slomka, I. S. Danziger, J. Nasalevitsch
Keywords: [N]

Letter written to Jakob Moshe Neuschloss by the "Shoharei Tora" students on occasion of his emigration to Palestine. Tallinn, 1935

"Shoharei Tora". Some signatures: Elie Margolius, B. Gordon, Schalom Margolius, Rafel Rybka, I. Raichman, Leibe Beilinson, R. Smolenski, Z. Strasch, I. Beilinson, I. Rosenman, H. Bam, Z. Ragovski, I. Rosenman, Haim Lesek, I. Strasch, Haim Blechman, H. Rybka, Nachum Slomka, I. S. Danziger, J. Nasalevitsch

zt1s.jpg zt2s.jpg MN_0020.jpg Neischloss.pdf mgur_0006sb.jpg
File information
Album name:amblik / Religious community
Source:Moshe Naveh (Neishloss)
Filesize:67 KiB
Date added:May 04, 2012
Dimensions:650 x 700 pixels
Displayed:35 times
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