1941 June deportations by Soviets
People deported from Tallinn working in Kirov Oblast, the Sovetski stone quarry, 1941. On the picture from left to right: silversmith Isser Goldmann (born in 1919), his wife, student Sore-Reize (born in 1919) and Kaare Liblik, wife of a police constable (born in 1906).
Tallinnast küüditatud inimesed töötamas Kirovi oblasti Sovetski kivimurrus 1941. aastal. Pildil vasakult hõbesepp Isser Goldmann (s. 1919), tema abikaasa, üliõpilane Sore-Reize (s. 1919) ja politseikonstaabli abikaasa Kaare Liblik (s. 1906).
From the Tallinn Okupatsioonimuuseum site