Eesti Juutide Arhiiv

Архив Эстонских Евреев - Estonian Jewry Archive

The stone from the Klooga concentration camp.
The date says 6.9.1944. 
When the Soviet army began its advance through Nazi-occupied Estonia in July and August 1944, the SS started to evacuate the camp. Many prisoners were sent west by sea to the Stutthof concentration camp. Around 2000 prisoners were killed, their bodies were stacked onto wooden pyres and burned. The camp was liberated by the Soviet army on 28.9.1944, only 22 days after the writing on the stone. 
The stone is in the Estonian Jewish museum

The stone from the Klooga concentration camp.

The date says 6.9.1944.
When the Soviet army began its advance through Nazi-occupied Estonia in July and August 1944, the SS started to evacuate the camp. Many prisoners were sent west by sea to the Stutthof concentration camp. Around 2000 prisoners were killed, their bodies were stacked onto wooden pyres and burned. The camp was liberated by the Soviet army on 28.9.1944, only 22 days after the writing on the stone.
The stone is in the Estonian Jewish museum

IMG_2005.JPG IMG_1971.JPG Klooga_kivi.jpg IMG_1866.JPG IMG_1865.JPG
File information
Album name:amblik / Holocaust
Source:Juzef Luvistsuk
Filesize:115 KiB
Date added:Nov 27, 2009
Dimensions:800 x 393 pixels
Displayed:115 times
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